Rare Blossoms 
a Herbarium of Conversations

a new book is in progress

One who is now a renowned street art artist had her crayons broken by her primary school teacher so that she wouldn't paint.

One who lost customers because he started making wine in a new and inventive way is now blamed for shipping it abroad, where it is highly regarded. 

One whose photos were rejected by the Czech editor in chief for not being good enough was awarded a prestigious world competition.

Those people are not trying to impress or shock, they are just being true to their nature. I call them Rare Blossoms.

Why Herbarium?

Interviews with whom?

Why to have the book?

Because I like it better. It love to play with words, although in Enghlish you don't have the same double meaning as in Czech. 

Not with celebrities or managers, not with athlets breaking records. I like to interview normal people who have done something in different way, with passion, with humbleness.

What if you don't need to talk to psychotherapist to accept who you are. What if to be different is your gift? What if the book can inspire you with stories of others?

Book still in a progress

40 inspiring interviews 

360 pages on high quality paper

3,5 years of creating process

small edition

attention to detail

Author = Photograph = Publisher

Gift and joy in one book

no compromises on quality

inspiring story

Reader reviews

Jaký na mě rukopis dělá dojem? Silný! Vzala jsem si kvůli tomu v práci dovolenou, rozpočítala si stránky na denní normu, kterou musím zvládnout, abych stihla slíbený termín, a pak často jen zírala do blba a přemýšlela o tom, co jsem právě přečetla – a jestli něco nedělám v životě blbě. Tím se omlouvám za zpoždění, ale fakt je to v některých směrech pro mě burcující a probouzející. Věřím, že čtenáři budou nadšeni.
Hana Janišová, jazyková korektorka